LOM Points

At MedUni Vienna LOM1- points (Leistungs-Orientierte-Mittelvergabe - Performance-based allocation of funds) are awarded to document scientific performances and prepare the Intellectual Capital Statement of the MedUni Vienna on research and teaching. Performance criteria (LOM-Points Research ) include publications, lectures, visiting/incoming researchers, appointments to scientific or university committees, posts held on academic journals, and prizes.
The increase in LOM-Points-Research in the last three years was achieved due to a significant increase in the number of scientific publications and the resulting increase in impact factors.

Teaching performance criteria (LOM teaching) include diploma theses and dissertations supervised and completed at the department; other teaching services include seminars and lectures held, as well as the organisation and supervision of KPJ-student-traineeships. (KPJ - Clinical Practical Year)
The Department of Neurosurgery is particularly committed to supporting MedUni Vienna students in their academic progress as well as to further expanding the range of courses offered. This expansion of neurosurgery teaching is reflected both in our figures and the increase in LOM Teaching Points in each academic year.