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Univ.-Prof. Karl Rössler, Klinikleiter

High-performance medicine in the service of patients

The Department of Neurosurgery is one of the largest and most modern neurosurgical institutions in Austria and can now look back on a very successful 50-year history. More than 60 beds are available for patients who receive comprehensive care from our dedicated, highly specialized team. Approximately 2.500 procedures are performed annually in the four operating rooms and about 10,000 treatments in our Special Outpatient Clinics. We are the only clinic in Austria that combines a Gamma Knife, an endovascular operating room, an operating room for intraoperative MRI diagnostics, one for stereotactic procedures and a neurointensive care unit in one building.

Our main areas of expertise are tumor surgery, vascular neurosurgery, pediatric neurosurgery, epilepsy surgery and functional neurosurgery. Neurotraumatology, interventions on the spine or peripheral nerve surgery are performed according to strict international standards. 

As a university hospital, research and teaching are also an integral part of our service concept and closely linked to clinical work.
We offer high-performance medicine, excellent interdisciplinary patient care, medical research and academic teaching in the service of our patients.

22. August 2024

22.-24. August 2024: Epilepsy Surgery Brain Dissection Course

This three-day course teaches the surgical techniques and anatomy for epilepsy surgery, giving hope to patients suffering from drug-resistant…
27. June 2024

27.-29. June 2024 : 11th European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress - EJCVC

The 11th European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress (EJCVC), organized by the Medical University of Vienna and the University Hospital Zurich (USZ),…
20. May 2024

20.-24. May 2024: 42nd European Workshop on "Basic Techniques of Microsurgery and Cerebral Revascularization"

Dear Colleagues! lt is a great pleasure to invite you to our training course on the “Basic techniques of microsurgery and cerebral revascularization”.…
12. March 2024

12. March 2024: Day of the Medical University of Vienna 2024 - Neurosurgery in focus

This time the topic of the special lecture on Medical University of Vienna Day is neurosurgery, with two operations on aneurysms being transmitted…
©Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie

Support Our Work in Neurosurgery!

Donations help fund cutting-edge research and develop the next generation of neurosurgeons to provide the highest quality of patient care.

Account holder: Medizinische Universität Wien
Purpose of donation (Verwendungszweck): UE73601001 Spenden Neurochirurgie
Bank Account Details: Erste Bank
IBAN: AT362011140410070700; BLZ: 20111; BIC: GIBAATWW
Donations are tax-deductible!

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