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PhD studies at the University Department of Neurosurgery

The PhD program at the University Department of Neurosurgery is conducted in collaboration with the Center for Brain Research and CLINSScientific work and a high level of commitment to the subject of neurosurgery are required.

PhD Programme UN094

Center for Brain Research – Neuroscience Programme

Neuroscience is currently one of the main focuses of both national and international research programmes. The aim of neuroscience research is the elucidation of the normal function of the nervous system as well as the discovery of the molecular mechanism underlying the pathological changes in neurological and psychiatric disorders.

The nervous system is an organ system that is highly complex and involves different cell types as well as neuronal networks. This complexity is reflected by the fact that 60% of all known genes are expressed in the nervous system and 30% of the genes are nervous system specific. One third of all known human disorders is primarily neurological or has marked neurological involvement. As the ability for regeneration of the nervous system is limited, many of these disorders lead to chronic functional deficits and thus to an enormous burden on individuals and the society.

Modern neuroscience is multi-disciplinary and involves such disciplines as biochemistry, molecular neurobiology, cellular neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, neuroanatomy, neuropathology, neuroimmunology, clinical neuroscience, psychology, psychiatry and neurology. The aim of the neuroscience programme is to educate the students in a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary way in preparation for work within the field of neuroscience. Besides the practical dissertation, this accompanying program gives not only the theoretical backbone but also guides the students through a practical course to learn the most important techniques by actually doing them. If you are interested in this exiting field of research then search the list of participating research units, get in contact with the group leaders and apply for open positions.

Program Coordinator: 
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Berger

Department for Pathobiology of the Nervous System
Medical University of Vienna
Center for Brain Research
Spitalgasse 4, 1090 Vienna, Austria

Phone: +43 (0)1 40160 - 34300

UN790 – Doctoral Programme

CLINS Doctoral Program Clinical Neurosciences

Neuroscience is a main focus of research and high-end medicine at the Medical University Vienna. The aim of Clinical Neurosciences is innovation in prevention, diagnosis, and therapy of disorders of the nervous and muscular systems.

The professional doctoral program „Clinical Neurosciences“ (CLINS) addresses neurological, psychiatric and neuro-muscular disorders in fetus, children, and adults. Interdisciplinary interaction of diagnostic  and therapeutic disciplines in combination with basic biomedical research is a key element of the program.
Mutual guest lectures and translational research projects will link the applied and basic research doctoral programs.

CLINS will provide students with scientific competence enabling them to improve biomedical practice  by means of research and is complementary to the basic research PhD program „Neuroscience“ (coordinator: Johannes Berger, Brain Research Institute) 

CLINS Program Coordinator:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Hainfellner

CLINS SUPERVISORS - Department of Neurosurgery:

Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Christian Dorfer, MBA

Assoc. med.univ. Josa M. Frischer, PhD

Univ.-Prof. Karl Rössler

Assoc. Prof. Priv.-Doz. Georg Widhalm