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Researcher of the Month - October 2022

18. - 20. September 2024: CRANIAL ACCESS - Approaches to the Skull Base - Dissection Course 2024

University, Medicine & Science, Studies & Further Education

Delve into an intensive exploration of skull base anatomy, surgical approaches and related pathologies during this comprehensive three-day program! …

22.-24. August 2024: Epilepsy Surgery Brain Dissection Course

University, Medicine & Science, Studies & Further Education

This three-day course teaches the surgical techniques and anatomy for epilepsy surgery, giving hope to patients suffering from drug-resistant…

27.-29. June 2024 : 11th European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress - EJCVC

The 11th European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress (EJCVC), organized by the Medical University of Vienna and the University Hospital Zurich (USZ),…

20.-24. May 2024: 42nd European Workshop on "Basic Techniques of Microsurgery and Cerebral Revascularization"

University, Medicine & Science, Studies & Further Education

Dear Colleagues! lt is a great pleasure to invite you to our training course on the “Basic techniques of microsurgery and cerebral revascularization”.…

12. March 2024: Day of the Medical University of Vienna 2024 - Neurosurgery in focus

University, Medicine & Science

This time the topic of the special lecture on Medical University of Vienna Day is neurosurgery, with two operations on aneurysms being transmitted…

Vagusnervstimulationstherapie zur Behandlung von Depressionen

Medicine & Science Klaus Novak, Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie, und Ap.Prof. Priv.-Doz. Christoph Kraus,…

Medical Neuroscience Cluster Intramural Research Grant 2023

Medicine & Science Jonathan Wais und Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Gilbert Hangel, PhD haben eine mit 15.000 € dotierte Förderung vom Medical Neurosicence Cluster…

24.-26. August 2023 Lectures and Hands-on in Epilepsy Surgery, Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy

Medicine & Science

INES 2023 VIENNA - 13th ILAE Summer School for Neuropathology and Epilepsy Surgery. Surgical management of drug-resistant focal epilepsy represents a…

Epilepsiebehandlung: Erste erfolgreiche Implantation eines neuen Hirnschrittmachers in Österreich

Medicine & Science

Am Universitätsklinikum AKH Wien und der MedUni Wien wurde Anfang August 2023 erstmals in Österreich ein innovativer Hirnschrittmacher zur Therapie…

Medizinisch-wissenschaftlicher Fonds des Bürgermeisters vergibt 31 Förderungen an Forscher:innen der MedUni Wien

Medicine & Science

4 Forschungsvorhaben aus dem Gebiet der Neurochirurgie werden gefördert und an unserer Klinik durchgeführt