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Symposien, Tagungen und Workshops

The Health Days 2025 took place on March 13 and 14, 2025, at the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna, Austria. The aim was to bring together industry experts from around the world in the Heart of Europe to foster international collaboration between physicians, occupational therapists, and healthcare providers, as well as to purchase of medical equipment and technologies.The purpose of this event was to establish contacts / research possibilities / collaborations between medical professionals / potential buyers in Hong Kong and Austrian health & research institutions as well as suppliers for connecting, discussing research possibilities and collaborating.   

On this occasion, the Hong Kong delegation, led by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Austrian Foreign Trade Commission in Hong Kong, was invited by our Chairman, Prof. Dr. Karl Rössler, to visit our University Department of Neurosurgery in order to gain insights concerning the latest medical technology. The objective was to strengthen international cooperation while promoting the exchange of expertise on the latest technologies and knowledge in Austrian medicine, particularly in the fields of neurological rehabilitation, mental health, and preventive medicine. The Hong Kong delegation consisted of physicians, occupational therapists, healthcare providers, and medical device and technology buyers from the participating companies listed below.

  • Associated Medical Supplies Company Ltd
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  • Elephants Medical Supply                                                       
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  • Gutolution                                                                                 
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  • Hong Kong College of Health Service Executives              
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  • Medico Health Care Limited
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  • Qleap Business Solutions
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Course outline: Part 1 (Basic) & Part 2 (Advanced)

Date: July 3rd – 5th, 2025

Location: Vienna General Hospital / Medical University of Vienna, Austria


About the EANS Epilepsy Surgery Brain Dissection Course 2025 in Vienna

The EANS Epilepsy Surgery Brain Dissection Course 2025 is designed to provide a comprehensive, hands-on educational experience for neurosurgeons specializing in functional neurosurgery. Delivered by an esteemed international faculty, this course combines state-ofthe-art lectures with practical dissection sessions to advance participants’ skills in epilepsy surgery.

The course objectives are as follows:

  • Develop a thorough understanding of the surgical management of temporal and extratemporal epilepsy.
  • Practice and refine dissection techniques for temporal lobe and other epilepsy-related surgical approaches.
  • Explore advanced and emerging techniques, including laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) and deep brain stimulation.


Course Structure of Part 1: Basic Course (1 Day)

Date: July 3rd, 2025

Target Audience: 5th and 6th-year neurosurgical residents


  • Morning Session: Comprehensive lectures on temporal lobe epilepsy and the surgical treatment options.
  • Afternoon Session: Hands-on dissection of common temporal lobe surgical approaches on brain specimens using microscopes, CUSAs and microinstruments.


Course Structure of Part 2: Advanced Course (2 Days)

Dates: July 4th–5th, 2025

Target Audience: Board-certified neurosurgeons focusing on functional neurosurgery

Course Description:

  • Lectures:
    • Advanced techniques for managing temporal and extra-temporal epilepsy.
    • Topics include: depth electrodes, hemispherotomy techniques, laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT), deep brain stimulation and MRgFUS.
    • Live surgery broadcast with real-time insights into surgical procedures.
  • Laboratory Sessions:
    • Hands-on guidance for brain specimen dissection using microscopes, CUSAs and micro-instruments

Dear Colleagues! lt is a great pleasure to invite you to our skull base training course.

The course is intended primarily to help surgeons strengthen their knowledge and experience with skull base approaches. 

It features an esteemed international faculty and employs a multifaceted approach, including lectures, case discussions, and hands-on dissection. The didactic sessions will center on 3-D anatomy, along with principles, tactics, and contemporary methodologies for addressing various conditions such as tumors, vascular injuries, and trauma. 

Dissection activities will encompass prevalent microsurgical methods, conducted in a well-equipped anatomical specimen laboratory. A special emphasis will be placed on numerous case discussion sessions, during which participants are encouraged to contribute their own cases alongside those presented by the faculty.

Target Audience: Neurosurgeons, Maxillofacial Surgeons, ENT surgeons or Trauma Surgeons
Course-Info: CRANIAL ACCESS - Dissection Course 2024

We look forward welcoming you soon in Vienna!

Course Directors: Johannes Herta & Matthias Millesi
Senior Directors: Christian Matula & Karl Rössler

To receive further information or to register for the course write to:​​​​​

This three-day course teaches the surgical techniques and anatomy for epilepsy surgery, giving hope to patients suffering from drug-resistant seizures.

Experts on the subject will present the anatomical indications and technical aspects of epilepsy surgery, along with the risks, benefits and outcomes.


Target Audience:
The objectives of the course are primarily aimed at 5th-6th year neurosurgery residents who have already decided to specialize in functional neurosurgery, as well as young neurosurgeons who have started a program in functional neurosurgery in the last few years.

Course Description:
The three full day course is divided into morning lectures and afternoon dissection sessions on brain specimen in the laboratory.
Our international Faculty and local experts in functional neurosurgery will give basic and advanced lectures on all topics of epilepsy surgery and advise on the dissection of brain specimen using microscope, CUSA and micro instruments.

Number of participants: 20
Registration fee: € 650
Application deadline: 01.05.2024

To register for the course write to: cc:

Course-Info: Epilepsy Surgery Brain Dissection Course 2024

We look forward to welcoming our international guests, lecturers, scientists and physicians in Vienna soon!

Course Directors:
Karl Rössler, M.D.
Christian Dorfer, M.D.

The 11th European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress (EJCVC), organized by the  Medical University of Vienna and the University Hospital Zurich (USZ), is scheduled to take place for the first time in Vienna, from June 27 to 29, 2024.
This congress serves as a unique platform for the exchange of the latest research advancements in multimodal cerebrovascular surgery and intervention for the treatment of aneurysms, malformations, and stroke.
The objective of the 11th EJCVC is to foster networking among cerebrovascular
specialists, continuing the rich tradition of global knowledge sharing with specifc vascular focu

MORE ABOUT EJCVC: History of the European-Japanese Cerebrovascular Congress

The Satellite Pre-congress EventWorkshop on Neurophysiology: Advanced applications in cerebrovascular surgery - directed by Karl Rössler and Klaus Novak will take place on June 26, 2024.


Dear Colleagues! lt is a great pleasure to invite you to our training course on the “Basic techniques of microsurgery and cerebral revascularization”.

Our workshop will focus on basic skills to handle the operating microscope and the instruments correctly. Furthermore, you will learn the micromanipulation of different tissues including small vessels and nerves under the microscope.
Different kinds of microsurgical anastomosis and nerve coaptations will be performed as well. The course is dedicated not only to residents and young neurosurgeons, also the advanced neurosurgeon will have the opportunity to improve his/her techniques under the supervision of experts in the field.

In addition, lectures on different topics relating to microneurosurgery will be presented in between the practical sessions. At least 5 hours of daily practical training have to be anticipated by the trainees. At end of the training course, lectures from multidisciplinary specialists will focus on presenting the state of the art techniques, indications and latest evidence on cerebral revascularization.

Sincerely yours,

Gerhard Bavinzski, Workshop Director
Karl Rössler, Workshop Chairman & Head of the Department of Neurosurgery

Workshop Program

Workshop Website

Lectures and Hands-on in Epilepsy Surgery, Neuropathology and Neuroanatomy

Surgical management of drug-resistant focal epilepsy represents a successful treatment option in carefully selected patients. It is thus of utmost importance to identify patients amenable to epilepsy surgery early enough during the disease course and submit to a pre-surgical evaluation.

INES 2023 VIENNA, the 13th ILAE Summer School for Neuropathology and Epilepsy Surgery (1st meeting in Vienna), is designed to enable participants to better recognize and classify various lesional substrates of drug-resistant epilepsy. Advanced hands-on surgical training will be offered in small groups led by distinguished tutors who will give hands-on demonstrations on macro- and microscopical brain specimen. Participants will also have the opportunity to perform surgical approaches on cadavers and diagnose histopathological cases under the microscope. 

Target Audience: Neurosurgeons, neuro-/pathologists, epileptologists, neurologists, neuroimagers, and basic researchers

We look forward to welcoming our international guests, lecturers, scientists and physicians in Vienna soon,

Karl Rössler, Ingmar Blümcke, Christian Dorfer
(Course Directors)

Programme of INES 2023 VIENNA - 13th ILAE Summer School for Neuropathology and Epilepsy Surgery


Dear Colleagues! lt is a great pleasure to invite you to a Symposium on ‘Cerebrovascular Neurosurgery and Interventions’

We were able to gain world-renown cerebrovascular experts (neurosurgeons, radiologists, neurologists) from Japan, the United States and Europe as speakers on these major topics: bypass surgery, multimodal treatment of complex intracranial aneurysms, AVM therapy as well as the value of simulators for the education of future specialists.

We look forward welcoming you soon in Vienna,

Karl Rössler
Head of the Department of Neurosurgery

Gerhard Bavinzski and Philippe Dodier
On behalf of the organizing committee

Symposium Program

DDr. Philippe Dodier
Department of Neurosurgery
Medical University of Vienna
Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090 Vienna

Dear Colleagues! lt is a great pleasure to invite you to our training course on the “Basic techniques of microsurgery and cerebral revascularization”.

Our workshop will focus on basic skills to handle the operating microscope and the instruments correctly. Furthermore, you will learn the micromanipulation of different tissues including small vessels and nerves under the microscope.
Different kinds of microsurgical anastomosis and nerve coaptations will be performed as well. The course is dedicated not only to residents and young neurosurgeons, also the advanced neurosurgeon will have the opportunity to improve his/her techniques under the supervision of experts in the field.

In addition, lectures on different topics relating to microneurosurgery will be presented in between the practical sessions. At least 5 hours of daily practical training have to be anticipated by the trainees. At end of the training course a symposium on hybrid cerebrovascular surgery and intervention will be held together with international experts on Friday and Saturday.

Gerhard Bavinzski, Workshop Director
Karl Rössler, Workshop Chairman & Head of the Department of Neurosurgery

Workshop Program

DDr. Philippe Dodier
Department of Neurosurgery
Medical University of Vienna
Waehringer Guertel 18-20, 1090 Vienna

Marie-Thérèse Forster, leitende Oberärztin und 2. Stell­vertretende Direktorin der Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurochirurgie, an der Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, studierte an der MedUni Wien und verfasste ihre Dissertation an der Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie der MedUni Wien.

Im Rahmen ihres Vortrages präsentiert Frau Dr. Forster eine Studie zu einem hochaktuellen und umstrittenen Thema: "Geschlechterdisparitäten und die Notwendigkeit einer Verbesserung der Geschlechtergleichstellung in den Karriereverläufen im Rahmen der deutschen Neurochirurgie"

Wir laden Sie recht herzlich zum Vortrag ein und freuen uns auf eine rege Teilnahme und interessante Diskussionen! 

15. September 2022, 15:00 Uhr, AKH Wien 
Universitätsklinik für Neurochirurgie, Ebene 8
Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Wien

11. Juni 2022, 8:15 – 16:00 Uhr, Jugendstilhörsaal der MedUni Wien, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Wien.

Anlässlich der Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für prächirurgische Diagnostik und operative Epilepsietherapie, laden wir Sie recht herzlich zur Veranstaltung "Fokus Epilepsiechirurgie: Prächirurgische Diagnostik und operative Verfahren" am 11.06.2022 im Jugendstilhörsaal der MedUni Wien, Spitalgasse 23, 1090 Wien, ein.

Wir freuen uns auf eine rege Teilnahme und interessante Diskussionen! 



4. Februar 2020, 14:00 Uhr , Medizinische Universität Wien, Hörsaal 5

Werte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

ich darf Sie recht herzlich zur Veranstaltung "Epilepsy Surgery" am 04.02.2020 um 14:00 Uhr im Hörsaal 5 einladen.

Herr Professor Ingmar Blümcke / Ärztlicher Direktor der Neuropathologie am Universitätsklinikum Erlangen wird einen Vortrag zum Thema "Clinical, molecular and digital Neuropatholgy for Epilepsy Surgery" halten.  

Wir freuen uns auf eine rege Teilnahme und interessante Diskussionen!

Univ.Prof.Dr.Karl Rössler
Leiter der Univ.Klinik für Neurochirurgie